President's Message | 7.27.2022
President's Message: July 2022

Are you the creative type that can figure out multiple ways to accomplish the same thing? Do you feel like there aren't enough hours in the day to tackle all of your great ideas? Are you someone who loves to help pull off the perfect plan? There is good news for you! Whether you are a creative thinker, worker bee, or a little bit of both, we have a spot for you to plug into NAON. 

In early July, the Virtual Orthopeadic Nurse Affiliate lead by Lyndee Leavitt had their first meeting. We had NAON nurses from coast to coast join the meeting to share a little bit about themselves and discussed what we would like to see the group do in the future. The group was partially inspired by the massive pivot we all had to the virtual world during the pandemic. The other challenge, which inspired the virtual affiliate, was how difficult it has been for our established chapters to meet over the past two years. The nurses who joined the affiliate meeting had some great ideas on how we can continue to connect and build meaningful connections with fellow members.

The next meeting will be September 6th at 17:00 Pacific, 18:00 Mountain, 19:00 Central, and 20:00 Eastern. If you are interested in joining, be sure to contact to get the link for the next meeting. The virtual affiliate is looking for NAON members ready to plug in and connect. If you have a great idea of how to get to know people online or a project for the affiliate, Lyndee wants to hear from you.

There are plenty of other ways to get involved with NAON too! Many chapters are looking for members to step up to officer positions or plan the next activity. You can find members of any chapter by going to the “Tools & Resources” section of the website:

NAON Tools & Resources Web Screenshot.png

Select Membership Directory and then use the drop-down menu to search for a list of members by chapter.    

NAON Tools & Resources Web Screenshot 2.png

Many of our chapters are looking for your energy and enthusiasm to help plan the next educational event, come up with the next topic, or set up the next zoom call. Whatever it is you are good at, come and add your name to the long list of volunteers that support our chapters. Before you know it the meaningful connections will become lasting impressions.

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