Partner News | 2.20.2025
February 2025: Partner Updates
ONCB Connection
Certificant Spotlight
The Orthopaedic Nurses Certification Board (ONCB) is pleased to announce that the following individuals have achieved the ONC® and ONP-C® certifications in January 2025.
- Stephanie Aaron
- Annamarie Gibson
- Leigh Horton
- Jacquelyn Hudson
- Alexander Kawahara
- Amy Lourenco
- Brianna Lowe
- Emily McVerry
- Adrienne Mehringer
- Meredith Perz
- Susana Salazar
- Estrella Sanchez Quintero
- Dana Sendaydiego
- Cathlyn Dana Villanueva
- Christine Wildt
- Valerie Young Calandra
- Jacorius Zellner
BONEafide FREE Ortho CE List
In need of Category A credit? ONCB is here to help! Check out BONEafide, a list of continuing education activities identified by ONCB as suitable for Category A. Be sure to bookmark this page as the list if updated throughout the year.
Follow us on LinkedIn
Stay in touch with ONCB though LinkedIn…find us as “Orthopaedic Nurses Certification Board.” Regular postings including testing and recertification tips, as well as general news items from ONCB.
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