Association News | 2.20.2025
February 2025: Association News

Registration is now open for the in-person NAON 45th Annual Congress!

We are excited to announce that registration is officially open NAON’s in-person 45th Annual Congress!  Join us May 17-19, 2025 at The Rosen Centre Hotel in Orlando, FL with the opportunity to earn up to 38.6 CNE credits (through a combination of in-person and post-event, on-demand sessions)!  

 “Keep Believing” as we continue to advance the specialty of orthopaedic nursing, ignite growth in our careers, and network with the best group of orthopaedic nurses around. Early bird registration fees are available for those who register by March 15, 2025.

Keynote speaker, Donna Cardillo, MA, RN, CSP, FAAN (also known as The Inspiration Nurse) will be doing a book signing after her presentation.  Books must be pre-ordered only and the deadline to purchase is March 15, 2025.

A limited number of rooms have been blocked at The Rosen Centre Hotel specifically for NAON Congress attendees.  Room reservations at the NAON-specific rate will be available until April 24, 2025 or sooner, if filled.  Book today!

Learn More >

Rising to the Challenge: Orthopedic Patient Care 2025 Virtual Conference

The University of Iowa Health Care Department of Nursing Services and Patient Care, in cooperation with NAON Hawkeye Chapter 149, invites you to attend their upcoming Virtual Conference, rising to the Challenge: Orthopedic Patient Care 2025, on April 22, 2025, 7:50am – 4:45pm (CST). The purpose of this conference is to discuss multidisciplinary innovations in orthopedic patient management and considerations both in and outside the hospital setting. 7.75 contact hours will be provided upon full attendance.

Learn More >

NAON Special Interest Groups

NAON’s Nurse Navigator and Hip Fracture special interest groups offer monthly virtual meetings and discussion forums for members looking to learn and network with other ortho nurses throughout the country.

Nurse Navigator Reesources include virtual monthly meetings and access to a file library of past meetings. A special Nurse Navigators thread in NAON’s Discussion Forum allows members to share best practices, patient education improvements, program advances, ask questions of peers, or discuss current interest. You can also join the mailing list to receive information and updates directly in your email inbox!

NAON’s Hip Fracture Group meets virtually on the first Friday of each month to discuss a variety of topics ranging from arrival to the Emergency Room through Post-Discharge Follow-Up. Networking and educational resources focused on hip fractures are available for any orthopaedic nurse or allied health member involved in the care of the geriatric patient with a hip fracture. Virtual meetings are available to anyone, including recordings of past meetings. There is also a Discussion Forum available specifically for NAON members.

Healthy Tips from ANA's Healthy Nurse, Healthy NationTM Blog

Submitted by Laura Hixon, DNP, MSNE, RN-BC, ONC

Hello February and National Heart Month! The American Nurses Association - Healthy Nurse, Healthy Nation has introduced a walk challenge. The Cleveland Clinic (2023) notes all of the benefits of walking 30 minutes/day including:

  1. Reducing stress- benefits mood, release endorphins
  2. Fighting food cravings- decreased craving for sugar during and after walk
  3. Boosting self-esteem- by setting and accomplishing small goals
  4. Weight management- blood sugar control
  5. Improving cardiovascular health- make the heart more efficient
  6. Reduce risk of heart disease- blood pressure reduction, reduce cholesterol
  7. Improves immune system- increasing blood flow keeps the system strong
  8. Protects joints- keeps joints flexible and reduces osteoporosis risk
  9. Reduce risk for cancer- 2.5 to 5 hours of moderate intensity per week, reduces the risk for 7/15 cancer (Matthews et al., 2020)
  10. Improves sleep to help with sustainability

Cleveland Clinic (2023) notes a walking plan which includes:

  1. Starting slow and listening to the body.
  2. Next is tracking steps and witnessing success in real time.
  3. Walking is many times more fun with friends or pets
  4. You can enjoy a podcast while walking or your favorite music
  5. If you miss a day, don’t worry, just get back out there and give it another shot!

I hope everyone has a wonderful February and gets some steps in!

Cleveland Clinic. (2023). The health benefits of walking.

Matthews, C. (2020). Amount and intensity of leisure-time physical activity and lower cancer risk. JCO 38, 686-697. DOI:10.1200/JCO.19.02407


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