Professional Liability Insurance

As a NAON member, you receive discounts for comprehensive professional liability insurance provided by NSO. Learn more about this membership benefit below. 

NAON is pleased to partner with Nurses Service Organization (NSO) as a benefit to our members. For 40+ years, Nurses Service Organization (NSO) has been a leading provider of insurance solutions and risk management resources for nursing professionals and businesses. Together with their sister company, Healthcare Providers Service Organization (HPSO), they insure over 1 million providers. NSO malpractice insurance includes professional liability, license protection, deposition representation, defendant expense reimbursement, and more to help protect your nursing career from medical malpractice lawsuits and licensing complaints. NSO partners with 85+ professional associations, including the American Nursing Association, and insures RNs, NPs, CRNAs, and a range of other professions to help bring you peace of mind through 24/7 coverage..

NSO provides a broad package with benefits spanning beyond coverage if named in a medical malpractice suit. In today’s workplace nurses face daily risks when performing routine duties. Whether it relates to record keeping or patient care, complications can arise. In some cases, charges may be completely unmerited or a complaint may be brought to the professional licensing board. NSO provides licensure defense, deposition representation, and damage to property of others. Many of these supplemental coverages are not found in competing products. NSO’s policies are also occurrence-based which means that the policy provides coverage for claims that occur within the policy period regardless of when the claim is brought forth.

Further, NSO’s policies are underwritten by carrier partner of over 30 years, CNA. Due to their extensive long-term relationship, NSO has access to vital educational information pertaining to risk reduction, case studies, and statistics. We have partnered with NSO because we feel that our nursing professionals deserve the best coverage in the business and encourage our members to consider this opportunity.